typedef int | wcStateVal |
| Boolean operation completion codes. More...
typedef int | wcRCode |
| Operation completion codes. More...
typedef int | wcHandle |
| Client handle. More...
typedef wcCallbackTask | wcTask |
| Pointer to task. More...
typedef uint32_t | wcTaskClass |
| Task class. More...
typedef enum wcCallback | wcCallback |
| The list of callbacks. More...
typedef enum wcStateId | wcStateId |
typedef enum wcTaskStateId | wcTaskStateId |
typedef void(* | EmptyNotifyLibFunc) (wcHandle client) |
| Notification callback. More...
typedef void(* | NotifyEventLibFunc) (wcHandle client, void *data) |
| Notification callback with an additional data. More...
typedef void(* | TaskNotifyLibFunc) (wcHandle client, wcTask tsk) |
| Notification callback from the specific task. More...
typedef void(* | ConnNotifyEventLibFunc) (wcHandle client, int state) |
| Notification callback that the connection status has been changed. More...
typedef void(* | CStringNotifyLibFunc) (wcHandle client, const char *value) |
| Notification callback that returned a C-style string. More...
typedef void(* | DataNotifyEventLibFunc) (wcHandle client, wcTask tsk, void *strm) |
| Notification callback that returned a wcCustomStream. More...
typedef void(* | DataAltNotifyEventLibFunc) (wcHandle client, wcTask tsk, void *data, size_t sz) |
| Notification callback that returned a sized data buffer. More...
typedef void(* | JSONStrNotifyEventLibFunc) (wcHandle client, wcTask tsk, const char *jsonStr) |
| Notification callback that task is completed and returns a C-style string with a response in JSON format. More...
void DLLEXPORT | wcGetLibVersion (uint8_t *vmajor, uint8_t *vminor, uint16_t *vrev) |
| Get the library version. More...
wcHandle DLLEXPORT | wcClientCreate () |
| Create client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientStart (wcHandle client) |
| Launch client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientAuth (wcHandle client, const char *aLogin, const char *aPwrd) |
| Authorize client on the server host. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientProceed (wcHandle client) |
| Call the asynchronous client update stage. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientTasksProceed (wcHandle client) |
| Call the synchronous client update stage. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientDisconnect (wcHandle client) |
| Disconnect client from the server host. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientDestroy (wcHandle client) |
| Destroy client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientInvalidateState (wcHandle client, wcStateId aStateId) |
| Reset the selected client state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientGetIntState (wcHandle client, wcStateId aStateId, int *aStateVal) |
| Get a integer value for the selected client state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientGetBoolState (wcHandle client, wcStateId aStateId) |
| Get a boolean value for the selected client state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientSetBoolState (wcHandle client, wcStateId aStateId, wcStateVal aStateVal) |
| Set the boolean value to the selected client state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientGetStrValue (wcHandle client, wcStateId aStateId, char **aStateVal) |
| Get a C-style string value for the selected client state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientGetStrNValue (wcHandle client, wcStateId aStateId, uint32_t sz, char *aStateVal) |
| Get a C-style string value for the selected client state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientSetStrValue (wcHandle client, wcStateId aStateId, const char *aStateVal) |
| Set a C-style string value to the selected client state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSetNotifyCallback (wcHandle client, wcCallback callbackId, NotifyEventLibFunc func) |
| Set specified notify callback for client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSetTaskCallback (wcHandle client, wcCallback callbackId, TaskNotifyLibFunc func) |
| Set specified task notify callback for client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSetConnCallback (wcHandle client, ConnNotifyEventLibFunc func) |
| Set specified connection notify callback for client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSetCStringCallback (wcHandle client, wcCallback callbackId, CStringNotifyLibFunc func) |
| Set specified notify callback for client to handling the C-style string values. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSetAltDataCallback (wcHandle client, wcCallback callbackId, DataAltNotifyEventLibFunc func) |
| Set specified notify callback for client to handling the sized data values. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSetJSONStrCallback (wcHandle client, wcCallback callbackId, JSONStrNotifyEventLibFunc func) |
| Set specified notify callback for client to process the JSON-formatted response results represented as a C-style string. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcGetConfig (wcHandle client, void *data) |
| Get configuration from the server for authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSetConfig (wcHandle client, const char *cfg) |
| Send configuration of authorized client to the server. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcDeleteRecords (wcHandle client, const char *indices, void *data) |
| Delete specified media records for authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSendMsg (wcHandle client, const char *msg, void *data) |
| Send message from authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcRequestRecord (wcHandle client, int rid, void *data) |
| Request specified media record from server for authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcRequestRecordMeta (wcHandle client, int rid, void *data) |
| Request metadata of specified media record from server for authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcSaveRecord (wcHandle client, const void *aBuf, size_t sz, const char *meta, void *data) |
| Send a media record to server from authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcLaunchOutStream (wcHandle client, const char *subProtocol, int delta, void *data) |
| Launch output stream for authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcLaunchInStream (wcHandle client, const char *deviceName, void *data) |
| Launch task to consume incoming stream from the specified device for authorized client. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientGetFrameID (wcHandle client, long *id) |
| Get the ID of the current output frame. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientFrameLock (wcHandle client) |
| Lock the frame object for threadsafe access to the output data stack. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientFrameUnLock (wcHandle client) |
| Unlock the frame object. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientFramePushData (wcHandle client, const void *data, size_t len) |
| Add a new frame to the outgoing data stack to send. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcClientFrameGetData (wcHandle client, void **data, size_t *len) |
| Get access to the last frame in the outgoing data stack. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcTaskGetClass (wcTask task, wcTaskClass *id) |
| Get the class of the task. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcTaskGetUserData (wcTask task, void **data) |
| Get the user data for the task. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcTaskSetUserData (wcTask task, void *data) |
| Set the user data for the task. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcTaskLock (wcTask task) |
| Lock the task object for threadsafe access. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcTaskUnLock (wcTask task) |
| Unlock the task object. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcTaskGetStrValue (wcTask task, wcTaskStateId aStateId, char **aStateVal) |
| Get a C-style string value for the selected task state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcTaskGetStrNValue (wcTask task, wcTaskStateId aStateId, uint32_t sz, char *aStateVal) |
| Get a C-style string value for the selected task state. More...
wcRCode DLLEXPORT | wcInTaskPopFrame (wcTask task, void **data, size_t *len) |
| Get access to the first frame in the incoming data stack. More...